Iain D. Campbell (5)

By taking the position that the Bible contains mythical and symbolic language and imagery, Barth has cut himself off from its objective authority.Doctrine of Sin (240)

1K      2016-10-26     0
the law demonstrates the seriousness of sin by including within its corpus the stipulated methods of dealing with it. This fact alone underlines for us the fact that the giving of the law, far from implicating man further in his departure from God, was actually given with a salvific purpose in mind.The Doctrine of Sin (32)

1.2K      2016-09-25     0
By maintaining the personal nature of the God who legislates, the norms become absolute, uncompromising and non-negotiable. Sin is not a subjective category; the inscription of these commands and prohibitions brings it fully into the category of the objective and absolute.The Doctrine of Sin (31)

1.2K      2016-09-25     0
It is clear, therefore, in the protevangelium, that sin, in biblical terms, is temporal - in the realm of human experience it has an actual point of entry and anticipated and promised point of defeat.The Doctrine of Sin (25)

1.2K      2016-09-25     0

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